13 DEC 2023

Masha Etkind: Shaping our reality against all odds

Masha Etkind - a professor in Architectural Science - echoes in my mind … Etkind's journey, marked by an upbringing in a Soviet Union surprisingly neutral in gender within her field, stands as a testament to how our perceptions shape our destiny. Unencumbered by the gender biases prevalent elsewhere, she stepped into new environments with a vision unclouded by limitations others might have accepted.

Her story unravels a profound truth. We often jump only as high as our environment has conditioned us to, yet Etkind leaped higher, guided by a belief system unshaped by conventional barriers. She soared, not because the barriers didn't exist, but because in her reality, they were never constructed.

In remembering Etkind, I'm reminded of the power we hold in sculpting our realities. Our environments mold us, but ultimately, it's our response, our internal narrative, that truly shapes who we become.

10 AUG 2022

The Subtle Art of Balancing Challenge with Ability

Each day, in the ebb and flow of work, there’s a rhythm where skills and challenges meet in a perfect balance. It's more than task completion; it's an absorption so deep that the rest of the world blurs into the background. Yet, this ideal state of flow often feels just beyond grasp in the constant hustle of daily life.

In moments where skills outpace the simplicity of tasks, frustration can eclipse relaxation. It’s like having wide skies to soar but not enough wind to lift off. This sensation creeps in workplaces that limit expansion, holding back the full stretch of potential.

Finding that sweet spot, where abilities and challenges align, is like navigating a personal journey. When tasks are too daunting or too trivial, the essence of flow fades, leaving a longing for something more fulfilling, more in tune with inner capabilities.

In the realm of flow, as envisioned by Csikszentmihaly, it's not merely about the skills possessed but the environment crafted around them. Here, in the harmony of challenge and skill, lies the secret to not just engaging with work but finding a deeper, more personal sense of fulfillment.

03 JUL 2022

The Thin Line Between Agile and Impulsive

Agility has become a masquerade for impulsiveness. True agility is an art – it’s thoughtful, it’s planned, it’s fluid. It’s not the chaos of spur-of-the-moment decisions or the disarray of undefined roles. To label impulsiveness as agility is to misunderstand its core. It’s like mistaking the frantic fluttering of a trapped bird for the graceful flight of a free one. The consequences? They're not just numbers on a spreadsheet. It's time lost, resources squandered, and, most importantly, the dwindling spirit of a team striving to make sense of the chaos. Stepping back for a moment of reflection isn't a pause; it's an investment. It's about discerning whether our style fosters growth or hinders it.

14 JUN 2022

When Titles Echo Responsibilities

Do our titles echo our actions, or are they just echoes in empty halls? Titles should be more than words on business cards; they are silent vows of responsibility we make to those around us. If a stranger were to shadow us unnoticed, would our daily endeavors mirror the responsibilities our titles claim? It’s about embodying the essence of our roles, not just wearing them. Self-accountability isn't just a noble act; it's a fundamental one. It's about acknowledging the ripples our actions create, shaping not just our path but those of others.