Brand & guest experience

Hotel Sanders Copenhagen

Human centric brand & customer experiences

Luxury beauty brands are poised to redefine their service and retail design based on their narrative, crafting spaces and experiences that are empathetically designed as well as visually captivating. This new frontier for luxury brands is is where thoughtful design and authentic marketing converge, enabling brands to connect, engage, and grow with discerning consumers. As Alexander Kølpin, owner of Sanders Hotel in Copenhagen puts it, “Real luxury lies in the interplay between guests and staff, offering care and community that resonate with those visiting us.”

RECENT ON BRAND experience


Remembering Masha Etkind:
Shaping our reality against all odds

Masha Etkind’s journey - a professor in Architectural Science - marked by an upbringing in Soviet Union surprisingly neutral in gender within her field, stands as a testament to how our perceptions shape our destiny. Unencumbered by gender biases prevalent elsewhere, she stepped into new environments unclouded by limitations others might have accepted. Her story unravels a profound truth. We often jump only as high as our environment has conditioned us to. So Etkind soared, not because the barriers didn't exist, but because in her reality, they were never constructed.

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"Leadership is an action, not a position." (Donald McGannon)

In the sphere of Business & Leadership, intentional leadership and authentic communication stand as pillars, shaping connections that resonate beyond mere transactions. It’s a landscape where understanding trumps the dichotomy of right or wrong, and foresight guides actions, preempting and dismantling barriers. Here, accountability isn't a buzzword but a steadfast commitment, driving leaders to act within their realms of influence, molding environments where trust is the currency and collaboration the outcome. As seen through the lens of various industries, from the nuances of time management to the ethics of product ingredients, this theme underscores the evolving nature of leadership — a blend of strategy, empathy, and responsibility.

Candid chronicles

Delving into a range of topics from the challenges of leadership to the intricacies of ethical marketing and personal growth. These chronicles are my unfiltered reflections and observations, capturing the essence of diverse experiences and thoughts.

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